Sunday, 15 December 2013

Celebration of great work!

Throughout the Gold Rush inquiry all the children have been involved in many amazing projects!

Freya and Teisha have been working on a story book called "Mike the Miner" which they developed from their learning in the inquiry.

Please enjoy!

Well done Teisha and Freya!

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Winding down the year ...

Tomorrow and next week the children in the 3-4 neighbourhoods will be starting to perform or present their learning on the gold field inquiry. Children have been engaging in a variety of projects including drama, model making, film, digital and board-game construction, story book writing and illustration.

Our intention is to end the year in a low key manner where the sharing of these creations is based more on informal feedback from peers and teachers than on a final formal performance. Parents are very welcome to be part of this process and to come in whenever it suits tomorrow and next week to join in the learning process as a source of support and feedback.  If your child is involved in a drama performance we can arrange for ‘special viewings’ of these when required. This doesn’t have to be pre-planned.
Dress up day tomorrow (Friday 13th December) is a voluntary activity and it is designed to be a bit of fun for the children.
We would also like to dispel any belief in our community that children watch videos for the final week. This has never been the practice in our neighbourhood. Learning continues until the final day when we may put on a video only in order to pack away furniture in the afternoon so that the neighbourhood is prepared for the cleaners.
We would like to extend a big thank you to our parent community, some who were able to make it to the parent afternoon tea, for all your support this year. As a team we have greatly enjoyed working together and alongside your children. Our goal for 2014 is to look at how we can develop greater connections with our parent community so we welcome any ideas on this.
To anyone leaving our community this year we wish you all the best in the future and to those remaining with us we look forward to seeing you all again in the new year.