Thursday, 27 February 2014

3/4 Neighbourhood Parent Representatives

We are looking for volunteers to become parent reps. This role is an important one within our school as it helps to bring the school community together. Parent reps also help to provide opportunities for parents to become involved in the learning in neighbourhoods.

If you are interested please see your neighbourhoods teachers.

Thank You,
Keith McNeill Community Relations Subcommittee

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Learning Agreement Document Update

Hello Everyone,

The weekly Learning Agreement document will now run from Thursday to Thursday rather than Monday to Friday.

Students are still expected to bring the document home over the weekend to inspire those discussions around their learning, but the document will not need to be signed until the following week.

The purpose of this is to assist with our planning of the Inquiry.

The 3/4 Team

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

..:: Welcome Picnic update ::..

Dear Parents,

Due to the unfavourable weather forecast, the welcome picnic will be postponed until next Thursday 27th of February. Time and venue remain the same.

Kind Regards,

Keith McNeill
On Behalf of the Community Relations Subcommittee 

Saturday, 15 February 2014



6:00 – 7PM



Dianne Siemon is a Professor of Mathematics Education in the School of Education at RMIT University (Victoria). She is involved in the preparation of pre-service teachers and the supervision of higher degree students. Di has been responsible for a number of State and Territory-wide numeracy research projects involving Prep (Transition) to Year 9. She is a popular professional development presenter whose interests include the development of the ‘big ideas’ in number, the teaching and learning of mathematics in the middle years, and the use of rich assessment tasks to inform teaching. Di is a past President of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers and the Mathematical Association of Victoria.

Di will present to parents what they can do at home to support teachers build mental objects for numbers (looking at strategies such as part-part-whole, doubling etc.) She will discuss strategies for mental computation and importance of these, link briefly to 'algorithms/processes' and then spend some time unpacking multiplication and strategies for learning number facts based on understanding.



Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Safer Internet Day 2014

As a part of the Safer Internet day, the 3/4 neighbourhood is looking at the CYBERSMART QUIZ from website

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Parent Information Evening :: Thursday the 13th February

Hi Everyone

Just a reminder that we have a whole school parent information session this Thursday form 5:00pm in the Gym.

Please look over the details below.

See you there.

3/4 Team

5:00-5:40 – Whole school presentation to parents
Held in the Gymnasium (please enter by the gymnasium door closest to Wilson Street so as to avoid disruption to the aftercare program operating in the gym foyer)

In this session we will focus on
·         The learning agreements across the school and the purpose and structure of these.
·         Tracking of individual student learning
·         Home learning
·         ICT
·         Wellbeing
·         Communication between teachers and parents

5:40-6:30 – In your child’s neighbourhood

This will be run as an informal time where questions can be asked around the general operation of the neighbourhood, with a particular focus on inquiry learning and what this looks like in the various learning spaces. There will not be formal presentations in this session. If you have individual queries specific to your own child, we encourage you to make an appointment with your neighbourhood teachers at a different time.

If you have several children at the school please feel welcome to move between the neighbourhoods.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Creative responses to understanding the laptop expectations of use

As an introduction to the 1-1laptop program, year three students have been learning about the 'expectations of use' for laptops in the learning environment. Year three students have had a chance to collaborate with year fours and creatively present these expectations. Students used film, role play, Scratch and SketchUp software. Feel free to discuss these expectations with your child.

Book talk is coming and we are looking for parent helpers

Book Talk is coming, it's going to be really fun and we need your help. Book talk is a weekly opportunity for students, parents and teachers to be in small groups enjoying and discussing books. Each group will be working on a different book and all parents will be supported. Book talk will be taking place on the first hour of Wednesday mornings (after the roll) and is planned to start in week 5 (25th February). We will be holding an information session for interested parents on Monday week 4 (17th February) at 4pm. If you are interested (even if you can't make the meeting) please let Alexandra (neighbourhood 2) know- email

Time Lapse Website Link

We had a big discussion regarding changes in the world and viewed this fantastic website that shows what changes have happened in certain places over 30 years!

Explore this website TIMELAPSE WEBSITE and then post any questions or wonderings you have here.

Friday, 7 February 2014

1 to 1 Macbook's coming home today!

Hi everyone,

As you know we have had some technical difficulties getting the laptops prepared to come home. But we have managed to resolve a lot of the issues and, provided the first invoice has been paid and the students are being collected by a parent or guardian, the Macbook's will be coming home today.

The process of changing the passwords and having each student select their own password was causing a great many issues so for the time being all the laptops remain with the default password of: password

Each students user name is their student number (which is also printed on the sticker on the underside of the computers)

So your child's username is their student number, and the password is password (all lower case).

Inside the box you'll find a MacBook Air Start Guide, please go through this carefully with your child.  Perhaps also have a conversation about what they have recently learnt about the expectations and responsibilities of laptop use in our neighbourhood - they all have a pretty good grasp of what they need to do!

Thank you for your patience!

The 3/4 Team

Wednesday, 5 February 2014


6 - 7pm in the school gymnasium
We are very excited to have the opportunity to have Dianne Siemon booked in to run a curriculum day with the teachers on ‘The big ideas in number’ but also to run a parent information session from 6-7pm on Monday 24th February.
Di is a Professor of Mathematics Education in the School of Education at RMIT University (Victoria). She is involved in the preparation of pre-service teachers and the supervision of higher degree students. Di has been responsible for a number of State and Territory-wide numeracy research projects involving Prep (Transition) to Year 9.  She is a popular professional development presenter whose interests include the development of the ‘big ideas’ in number, the teaching and learning of mathematics in the middle years, and the use of rich assessment tasks to inform teaching. Di is a past President of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers and the Mathematical Association of Victoria.
In this parent session we hope to provide parents with a broad understanding of what is involved in the teaching and learning of mathematics in contemporary Prep to Year 6 learning environments.
CHILDCARE PROVISION: Aftercare provisions will be made available from 6-7pm for school age children only. Please note that aftercare staff are not legally able to supervise pre-school age children. Please complete the curriculum day child care form and return this to Julie in the office  ASAP and no later than Monday 17th  February so that we are able to determine the level of staffing required. A copy of this form can be obtained from OSHC or can be downloaded from the neighbourhood blog.
Aftercare will begin as usual in the gymnasium foyer on the curriculum day but will move to 3/4 Neighbourhood 1 from 11am – 7pm.   
Please stay tuned for further updates on specific content.
Any queries can be directed to Kerri Gibson (Assistant Principal)