Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Seeking a parent/helper one hour a week to support a small group of sustainability leaders

We are currently on the look out for a parent (or parents, grandparents etc) who is able to support the Junior School Council students for 1 hour a week on a Friday afternoon. The group is also being supported by Kerri Gibson (assistant principal), Tim Aris (5/6 teacher) and Alexandra Hilvert (3/4 teacher and sustainability coordinator). The role would involve working with a group of 10 committed and passionate students (from yrs 3-6). This role will not require any planning and there will always be a teacher to support you. 

At the moment the students are beginning to brainstorm a whole school sustainability celebration day in term 3. This event will involve all students, teachers and interested parents. The Junior School Council's goal is to empower students to take leadership and extend their student voice across our community. This role represents an opportunity to support students to make a positive difference. Please to or email or speak with us if you are keen and please encourage others who you think would enjoy this opportunity. 

Alexandra Hilvert

Monday, 2 June 2014

How Wolves Change Rivers

As a part of the Change Inquiry, the students were given the opportunity to watch this fantastic video about how the introduction of wolves in the Yellowstone National Park can impact a huge range of the elements in the environment.