Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Maths Home Learning

We have now added a link in 'Numeracy Links' on the right hand side that has a resource of activities you can use to develop maths concepts for home learning.

Please have a look with your child.

Here is another link for good measure!

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Circus Skills Workshops

This week marks our second session learning the ins and outs, ups and downs, round the bends and through the hoops of the circus with our friendly expert Sam.  Today saw the children practicing their juggling skills, playing with 'Devil Sticks" and 'Poi' spinning before moving onto some simple acrobatic manoeuvres in pairs.  Trust us, it's all much harder than it looks!

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Welcome to 3/4 2015!

Hello and welcome!
The 3/4 Neighbourhood blog is our main way to communicate with the 3/4 neighbourhood community.
We are doing things a little differently this year and each post will have an indication of
what you can expect each post to be about in the title.
Here are the parameters through which all blog entries can be categorised;
·      Action required - this may be excursion notices, notes regarding SunSmart hats or other important information.
·      What’s happening - this will inform you of the week ahead, some of the learning and the focus for the following week.
·      Learning experiences - this will provide some ideas of what the students have been engaged in and also functions as a celebration of learning.
At the top right side of the Blog you will find a 'subscribe' to receive updates when posts are
published. Please spread the word for parents who may not have subscribed yet - but we have transferred any subscribers last years Year 2 blog over so those people should still be receiving updates.
You will also find useful links and information.
That's enough information for now - the blog is currently being updated from 2014 so there will be changes happening as we move through the next few weeks.
Looks like it is going to be a great year!!
See you around the neighbourhood
Keith, Melinda, Robert, Laura and Nic