Monday, 22 July 2013

Science Rotations - Robotics

As a part of the science rotations on Fridays, students who have been involved in the Robotics have been looking into design and technology through the NXT Lego Robotics kits. The students not only learn to build and program the robots using the kits provided, they are given the challenge of working in mixed groups of students unfamiliar to them. The focus in these sessions is to harness their understanding of teamwork through discussions and reflections every week. Their efforts in teamwork is evaluated each week and each group is given points according to their successes. During the final weeks, the groups are given a challenge to design and program a robot according to a given brief, with points given for their achievements. At the end of the last session, we have a celebration and an award ceremony.

1 comment:

TinaBW said...

Excellent!! Sounds like a great project and glad to see kids getting to work with other kids they normally wouldn't.