Friday, 16 May 2014

Numeracy weeks 3 & 4

Recently, we have been exploring the concept of place value through representing and renaming  large numbers during our numeracy sessions.

Using MAB blocks, the students built large structures and and towers. MAB blocks, sometimes referred to as base-ten blocks, are a classroom manipulative that help children visualize and better understand concepts of mathematics such as the base-ten number system, renaming of numbers and operations. As each block has a value of 1, 10, 100 or a 1000, the students were able to work out the 'value' of their tower or structure.

Some of the assessments derived from this activity include the students' ability to rename numbers (10 of these is one of this), trusting the count, naming and recording large numbers, and calculations through use of different operations.

Here are some photos of the activity.

Students begin to create their structures.
This is clearly an enjoyable and engaging activity.
Some challenge themselves to build extremely high towers.
Others are more intricate.
The students are then asked to demolish their tower and work out it's 'value'.
Here you  can see students grouping different units into groups to accurately record the value.

Students are able to demonstrate how many by arranging the blocks in groups of ones, tens, hundreds and thousands.
Here, you can clearly see that these students have 6864.

Students may want to go to this website to explore large numbers some more. Here, they are able to create their own large numbers, and see if they can name it correctly before checking it. 

I also quite like this game where students must either identify which numeral is in which place value, or write a number according to the words (there is a bit of shooting involved, but it's for the sake of mathematics).

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