As part of Book Week the students will be participating in a whole school mini inquiry., commencing on Monday the 11th of August and concluding with a special 2.30 pm assembly on Thursday 21st of August.
A big part of the inquiry will be to investigate, through book talk, how readers connect to the stories they read, and the kinds of personal, social, cultural and literary assumptions the writer is making about their reader.
A reader’s prior knowledge and experiences support readers in responding to the meanings of the texts they read. Book talk not only encourages students to engage in and respond to the books they are reading, but by listening to the varied experiences of their peers, also enriches their own experience of the text. As a community of readers, we would like to extend an invitation for parents to come into the neighbourhood of their child and share a book that resonated with them at a similar age.
Please let your child’s teachers know if you would like to participate in sharing your experience with the children by arranging a suitable time for this to occur.
Tim Aris
Student learning
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