Thursday, 30 October 2014


We have not had enough expressions of interest in joining the 3/4's visit to The Botanical Gardens on Monday and we need some parents to come along.

The department of education stipulates that we need a certain ratio of students to adults and at this stage we do not have enough parent helpers to make up those numbers.

We need five (or more).

The more the merrier really.

Please make sure you come and see the 3/4 teachers if your are available to come.

Thank you in advance

3/4 Excursion to the Botanical Gardens

On Monday the 3rd of November, as a part of our "change' inquiry, students will visit the Botanical Gardens for an opportunity to further generate ideas as to how we can take small steps to make significant changes to 'things that matter'. 
They have identified specific areas in the school collecting and collating data and now searching for ideas to begin to take action. Whilst at the gardens, students will visit the newly refurbished Ian Potter Children's Garden; they will visit the Planted Volcano, view The Art of Botanical Exhibition and more.

A notice has gone home this week so please ensure that it is returned promptly so your child can join us.

Any parents / carers that would like to come and enjoy the day out please come and see your neighbourhood teachers by Friday.


Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Numeracy Home Learning

Our main numeracy focus this term in the 3/4 neighbourhood is on fractions. We have had requests from parents on some additional material for home learning for numeracy. Although we do not have Mathletics online anymore, we are still able to provide the booklets and so we have uploaded this here for you to print out at home.





Saturday, 18 October 2014

Disco Night!! Friday 24th October

Roll up, Roll up to our wonderful CARNIVAL/DISCO  Night – Friday 24th October from 6pm –8pm at the gym/back oval. 

We will have an evening of dancing and laughter. There will be a few surprises and some prizes for best costumes and dancers. You may impress us with a hula hoop or create a magnificent mask – there will be something for everyone! 

Most importantly it is an opportunity to catch up with our wonderful community. 

Bring a picnic and a picnic blanket or chairs to sit on – we hope you can make it! 

Email Kathryn at if you have any questions.

Don't forget your dancing shoes,
See you there!


24-28th NOVEMBER
Year 4 students selected for the Woorabinda Camp, run by the education department, have now received their paper work from the camp. Can this be returned to Kerri Gibson by Wednesday 22nd October. There is a payment of $175.00. Please pay this through the school.
I will pass on information regarding the camp as it comes to me. We have applied to have a 3-4 teacher attend the camp with the children and are awaiting the outcome of this application.  
Please Note:
On arrival students will be going directly for a bush adventure on Woorabinda’s property. They will not be accessing their bags until mid-afternoon so will need the following on the bus with them:
  • Wearing suitable runners/bush walking shoes (no open toed footwear)
  • Any medication required for lunch or in case of emergency (Epi-Pen, asthma pumps etc.) must be carried with the student on the bus.
  • Suitable clothing for bush walks taking into consideration the weather forecast for the first day of the program.
Kerri Gibson
(Assistant Principal)

Ukulele Club Term 4


A quick update on the progress of the Ukulele club.

We have shifted our focus in the club lately as there is a musical component linking in with the current Inquiry; our action groups. We are hoping to inspire and action positive changes within our school to make a difference in our lives and the lives of others.

The seed of motivation has been planted and the tree of enthusiasm will soon blossom. To support this beautiful visual, we have appropriated the chord progression from Paul Kelly's "From big things, little things grow" which is a lovely springboard to the musical possibilities that will be gently guided by the amazing musical talent of Dedorah Kayser who has been inspiring the groups to consider music as a communication format.

In support of this process the Ukulele club, whose members are spread throughout the action groups, will be practicing the chords to help each group and Deb plan and implement what they would like to do wit the song.

Below is all the information that is required for those students in the club, as well as any other students that would like to pick up a Uke and get involved. Feel free to download and print it out.


from little things.docx

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Mindfulness in Action Sessions

This Thursday the year 3 and 4 students will begin the first of six Mindfulness sessions run by the Lifeskills Group. The sessions will help children to build social and emotional skills as well as  help them develop their self awareness, focus and empathy. It is our aim to equip students with practical skills to help them to deal with challenging situations positive and healthy way.

For more information please follow the link below or see Keith in the 3/4 area.

Action Required

The Bazaar Hamper Baskets for the Prep Neighbourhood to fill have been placed in the neighbourhoods. The theme for each hamper is listed below.

3/4 Nic - Taste of Italy
3/4 Mary and Janette - Middle Eastern Delights
3/4 Tomo - Gourmet
3/4 Alexandra - Masterchef
3/4 Keith - High tea

The hampers are used as prizes at the school bazaar in November. Thank you in advance for your contribution.