Saturday, 18 October 2014


24-28th NOVEMBER
Year 4 students selected for the Woorabinda Camp, run by the education department, have now received their paper work from the camp. Can this be returned to Kerri Gibson by Wednesday 22nd October. There is a payment of $175.00. Please pay this through the school.
I will pass on information regarding the camp as it comes to me. We have applied to have a 3-4 teacher attend the camp with the children and are awaiting the outcome of this application.  
Please Note:
On arrival students will be going directly for a bush adventure on Woorabinda’s property. They will not be accessing their bags until mid-afternoon so will need the following on the bus with them:
  • Wearing suitable runners/bush walking shoes (no open toed footwear)
  • Any medication required for lunch or in case of emergency (Epi-Pen, asthma pumps etc.) must be carried with the student on the bus.
  • Suitable clothing for bush walks taking into consideration the weather forecast for the first day of the program.
Kerri Gibson
(Assistant Principal)

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