Thursday, 10 December 2015

Museum Book


Exploring the concept of creativity, our inquiry started by looking at what inspires us as individuals. A collection of artefacts we called ‘seeds’ was used to explore how we can relate to one another, helping to identify what connects us as a community. We displayed these artefacts in a ‘Seed Wall’, which allowed us to develop questions around how artefacts of importance are displayed and organised. This directed us to ask: how do we share important cultural knowledge? These ideas built momentum and moved us to investigate museums. We then developed our own PHPS museum based on the children’s curiosities, interests and their links to our community. Through a relationship with Museums Victoria, we were able to install our exhibits at the Melbourne Museum to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement. The inquiry has culminated in a special PHPS Museum being set up at the school. The detailed journey of our yearlong inquiry has been documented in this special book.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Museum Opening

The ¾ neighbourhood is proud to unveil the PHPS Museum!

Drawing on our yearlong inquiry into knowledge, curation, exhibits and museums, the time has finally come to share our learning with the community.

Come and pay us a visit to learn about our inquiry and many of the diverse topics explored by the children in the 3/4 neighbourhood.  Located in the 3/4 neighbourhood, the museum will launch with a grand opening this Friday the 11th of December and remain open to visitors from Monday 14th to Wednesday the 16th next week.  Our museum will be open to visitors from 10-2 daily.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Hour of Code

Next week is Hour of Code week. 

The Hour of Code is global movement with the goal to bring coding to every student in every school. It's an annual event initiated by that runs throughout Computer Science Education Week7-13th December. 

Children in our neighbourhood will have opportunities to experience Hour of Code throughout the week and we are looking for parents who would be interested in helping. You don't need to have experience in coding to assist as you can learn along with the kids! But if you do have experience in using robots, making circuits, using arduinos or coding games and apps it would be great to share that with the kids.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Museum Excursion Volunteers

The 3/4 neighbourhood will be traveling to the Melbourne Museum to showcase our exhibits and get feedback on Monday the 16th and Tuesday the 17th of November.  Any volunteers wishing to accompany us on our trip to and from the venue would be greatly appreciated.  We will travel by tram from PHPS and plan to leave the school 9:00 am sharp both days.  A topped up Myki card and a packed lunch are required.

If you are able to join us, please speak to one of the 3/4 neighbourhood teachers to express your interest and specify which day you are free.


Friday, 6 November 2015

Bazaar Spinning Wheel Hampers

Dear Year 3/4 families just a note to ask for your assistance with bringing in donations for the spinning wheel hampers that are currently in your child's class. The spinning wheel is a very popular activity at the Bazaar and the donations you make are used to put hampers together as prizes - they are fantastic! The themes allocated this year are:

3/4 Keith - Craft beer and Snacks (beers, chips, snacks, coasters, coolers, bottle openers)
3/4 Laura - Just add Cheese (crackers, nuts, quince paste, olive oils, platters cheese knife)
3/4 Melinda - Oriental Express (asian foods, sauces, spices, noodles, cooking equipment)
3/4 Nic - Hamp it up (oils, spices, gourmet foods, drinks, condiments, pasta's and tableware)
3/4 Robert - Tea Party (tea cups, teas, shortbreads/biscuits, herbal teas, patty pans)

If you haven't accessed the roster system to help out at the Bazaar, please use this link and donate some time...


Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Taking our exhibits to the museum

The time has finally arrived for the 3/4 Neighbourhoods to share their wonderful museum!  Over two days the children will be traveling to the Melbourne Museum to set up and display their collected exhibits in the museum’s activities room.  All parents are welcome and encouraged to visit and give the students some much-appreciated feedback.  Entry to the PHPS exhibits will be free of charge; however, if you would like access to the broader museum it will require payment.

DAY 1: Monday 16th October from 11-12

Plants (N2)

Robots (N1)
Italians (N2)
PHPS Animals
Sports (N2)

DAY 1: Monday 16th October from 12:30-1:30

Bugs (N2)
Italians (N1)
Places of Carlton
F.C. Birrarung
Princes Park
Nature (N1)

DAY 2: Tuesday 17th October from 11-12

Friends (N1)
Animals (N1)
Nature (N1)
Italians (N1)

DAY 2: Tuesday 17th October from 12:30-1:30

Animals (N2)

Getting to Melbourne Museum

State School’s Relief

This Friday the 6th of November there is a fundraiser for State School’s Relief. State School’s Relief is a charity raising money for kids in need of school resources such as shoes, clothes, books, pens and so on. We would like children to dress up in a uniform on the day. The uniform could be for a policeman, fireman, doctor, lawyer, a school, a sportsperson etc. 

Remember to bring in a gold coin donation and we hope to see everyone dressed up this Friday!

Rosie Jones, Eliza Gorman-Jacobs and Luca McGhee on behalf of JSC

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Signing in and out

Just a friendly reminder: all students arriving late and leaving early must sign in or out at the office regardless of the reason for their arrival or departure.  Thanks!

Cough, sneeze and sniffle!

NEWS FLASH: A sudden wave of cold and flu symptoms has descended on the 3/4 neighbourhood causing a dramatic spike in tissue use.  Current stocks are low and therefore any tissue donations would be greatly appreciated by the children's stuffy, drippy noses.


Monday, 12 October 2015

Visual Art: Term 4 News and Request

This term in Visual Art students will explore the work of Aleks Danko and Melinda Harper. Aleks Danko has a forthcoming exhibition at Heide Museum of Modern Art and Melinda Harper has an exhibition currently showing there. In the beginning of the term, students will have the opportunity to design and print a comic interpretation of their own portrait, based on the work of Aleks Danko. Every student will be given a square of calico to print on, but they also have the opportunity to bring in a white T-shirt, calico bag or pillow case from home to print on as well. These should be bought in as soon as possible and I have advised students to keep them in their lockers until needed. If students do not want to bring in an item from home to print on, they will be given other opportunities to further develop their textile skills on the calico print.  
Many thanks or all your help with this request, Hannah Rother-Gelder
Visual Art Co-Ordinator

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Walk to School in October

Throughout the month of October, PHPS will be participating in VicHealth’s Walk to School program by encouraging students to walk, ride or scoot to and from school as often as possible. Each day in October, teachers will record how many times students use active travel to and from school. By supporting children and their families to walk to and from school as often as possible for a month, VicHealth aims to build healthy habits that will support active lifestyles for children as they grow up.

Life Ed

The Life Education van is at PHPS until the 14th of October, ensuring each home group has an opportunity to take part.  Life Ed offers students a fun and engaging way to explore a range of wellbeing topics such as health, personal safety, responsible choices, cyber safety and drug awareness.  To make the most out of this experience, please take the opportunity to discuss your child's learning with them following their participation in this important program.

SunSmart PHPS

Now that the warmer weather of Term four is upon us, students (and teachers) are required to wear broad-brimmed (7cm+) or legionnaire hats whenever they are outside.  Unfortunately, baseball or peak caps aren't a suitable alternative, as they do not provide adequate protection.  Students without hats will be required to spend lunch and recess times under the veranda of a designated area.