Friday, 6 November 2015

Bazaar Spinning Wheel Hampers

Dear Year 3/4 families just a note to ask for your assistance with bringing in donations for the spinning wheel hampers that are currently in your child's class. The spinning wheel is a very popular activity at the Bazaar and the donations you make are used to put hampers together as prizes - they are fantastic! The themes allocated this year are:

3/4 Keith - Craft beer and Snacks (beers, chips, snacks, coasters, coolers, bottle openers)
3/4 Laura - Just add Cheese (crackers, nuts, quince paste, olive oils, platters cheese knife)
3/4 Melinda - Oriental Express (asian foods, sauces, spices, noodles, cooking equipment)
3/4 Nic - Hamp it up (oils, spices, gourmet foods, drinks, condiments, pasta's and tableware)
3/4 Robert - Tea Party (tea cups, teas, shortbreads/biscuits, herbal teas, patty pans)

If you haven't accessed the roster system to help out at the Bazaar, please use this link and donate some time...


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