Friday, 19 June 2015

34 N1 Parent Rep Message

Dear Families of 3/4 LN1,

We are filling the parent rep role for 3/4 LN1. Part of that role is to collate and distribute a parent contact list. We have received some contact details from last year's parent reps but there still some families whose details we do not have. A consent form will be sent home with the children (only to families whose contact details we don't have) and if you wish to be included on the list please complete and return the form to Laura or your child's home group teacher. 

Please note email addresses will not be included in the information distributed to families but as parent reps we shall send out emails to the neighbourhood (bcc) from time to time with messages from the teachers and information about community / social events like the school disco and bazaar. 

We also plan to organise some social events so we can catch up as a group. Please pop Tuesday 28th July in your diary for a parent gathering - 7.30 pm. Venue TBC.

Also, it would be great to squeeze in a catch up before end of term. Weather permitting, we thought we would head over to the railway house park next Friday 26th June at 2.30 pm.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions to enhance connections within the learning neighbourhood and our school community, please let us know. 

Many thanks,

Carla Hagan & Ciara Boyle 
Parent reps 3/4 LN1
(carla_hagan@hotmail,com ;  0412 883 808) 
( ; 0404 883 544)

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