Thursday, 28 February 2013

Australian Boys Choir

The Australian Boys Choir is visiting our school on Monday morning 5th March. They will be screening Year 2 and Year 3 boys for their music potential. A couple of people from the Australian Boys Choir will come and work with the boys for 10 to 15 minutes. The session comprises fun sequences songs that involve all children singing together, and then simple exercises to briefly assess pitch and rhythm.

Letters of audition details are given to those boys who demonstrate some musical skill. [Parents will then need to follow up if they and their son are interested.]. Thank you letters are given to all the other boys to thank them for participating.
If you do not wish your son to be involved, can you please let Gayle Lofhelm know by Monday 9.00am.

If you have any queries please contact Gayle at school.

The Parade!

The People's Parade is here! We shall be marching around the outside perimeter of the school (Pigdon Street, Wilson Street, Park Street and McIlwraith Street). Our initial plan of a parade across to Princes Park had to be changed as we did not meet the teacher-to-student ratio for a walking excursion. We had to also take into account the incorporation of students who are involved in the instrumentalists program.

The march will commence at 12:20pm from the main gates of the school.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Science Rotations

Science rotations are held every Friday afternoon where a students are given an opportunity to explore a broad range of science and technology. Each rotation will last up to 6 workshops. Workshop groups will be focussing on robotics, kitchen chemistry, garden biology, how the world works (physics) and healthy living. Our aim is to allow students to encounter a variety of scientific understandings through practical experiences and experiments.

Kitchen Chemistry 
Students will investigate the scientific processes and phenomena that occur in the everyday kitchen. They will make observations, form hypothesises, conduct experiments and discuss their hypothesises in light of the results. Students will learn about safety in a kitchen and how to conduct experiments successfully. The scientific concepts that will be investigated include; Density, states of matter, physical and chemical change, temperature and dehydration and food hygiene."

In robotics, we will be using various robotics hardware including MindStorm NXT to foster the understandings of designing, building and programming of robots for specific purposes. The workshops will cover key areas in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Literacy. The students will be introduced to a simple programming languages that will enable them to control robots and machines in different circumstances. Some of the concepts that will be explored will include energy efficiency, experiment with speed and distance whilst exploring the effects of friction, develop students’ research skills, making predictions and drawing conclusions, and excercise problem-solving and team-working skills. 

How the world works
This is a practical science exploration into the world of physics. In the first session we look at forces and explore how more strength can be obtained from the same type and the same quantity of building materials simply by choosing the correct shape. From here we go on to experiment with soluble substances investigating how a concentration of sugar, around a solid, creates a current due to a concentration gradient. We will look at how the motion is much less rapid if the concentrations on either side of a boundary are equal. We will also run experiments that investigate states of matter (solid, liquid, and gas), thermal expansion, air pressure, vacuums and misconceptions in science. For this we need glass jars and candles of different sizes so any donations of these would be greatly appreciated.

Garden Biology
This group will be looking at developing a plan for our Garden plot. We investigated why it is important to eat vegetables and what we want to achieve in our Kitchen Garden. We will discuss what type of vegetables we would like to grow and cook. We will also survey the students in both neighbourhoods to discover what the students would like us to plant and investigate what type of vegetables are in season and what we would like to grow. We will develop a planting calendar for the rest of the school year. Other areas we will investigate will be the resources we need and how we can create and use compost.

The Healthy Living

This group will be investigating what is healthy food and healthy living- what makes it healthy. We will develop the understanding that humans need to eat food for energy and essential nutrients. Students will taste and record the flavour of different foods, test ideas based on preconceptions about the colour and flavour of foods. We will develop students’ research skills and drawing conclusions, and also use problem-solving and team-making predictions.

People's Parade

Following a very successful assembly today, we will be holding our Year 3/4 Neighbourhood People's Parade on the Friday 1st March. We will try and leave the Neighbourhoods at around 12:20pm and walk towards Princes Park (details of the precise route to follow) and back. We invite parents, relatives and friends to come and cheer us on as we parade.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Neighbourhood Parent Reps

We are looking for 3-4 parents from each neighbourhood to volunteer as parent reps for 2013.

The role of parent reps is to encourage and co-ordinate parent involvement in the educational and social activities of the school in collaboration with the neighbourhood teachers.

If you are interested, please speak to the teachers in your child’s neighbourhood by Wednesday 27 February.

-Angela Palombo On behalf of the Community Relations Sub-Committee

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Japanese Song

Nina in the 34 neighbourhoods has been teaching the students a Japanese song to sing at the assembly next Tuesday. We are posting the song and the lyrics on the blog below so that students are able to practice at home.

If you are reading this from our email service, please click on "Read in browser' link below.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

The Parent Information Afternoon

The Parent Information Afternoon is on Tuesday 26th February between 4-5pm. This Information session is an opportunity for the teachers of the Year 3/4 Neighbourhoods to inform you on some of the important aspects of teaching and learning at Princes Hill Primary School and for you to explore our neighbourhoods and meet our teachers. 

Please note that there will be no childcare provided and numbers are very high in the After Care Program. Children are welcome to attend the information night to show their parents around the neighbourhoods.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday afternoon. 

3/4 Teaching Team

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Neighbourhood Update

Our 3/4 inquiry into 'Culture' is well under way this term. We have been finding out how children interpret the concept of culture by organising the People's Parade which will take place on Friday 1st March. Majority of students identify their culture through ethnicity and through their family heritage. We are also finding that students love to collaborate with each other in their project. After the parade, we are looking to develop further our ideas of culture and explore concepts deeper. More info on this will come later in the blog. 

Meanwhile, here's what's been happening in our Neighbourhoods so far this term.

There was great excitement when the Year 3s received their laptops. They soon put it to good use by creating their reading log which they update every week. It has also been a great research resource as they look at music in different cultures.

Students are enjoying making different items for the People's Parade. It is interesting to see the different choices of cultural items the students make.

Some students are taking a great interest in costume making. Some make the costume from scratch (with the help from their teachers) while others have been to visit op shops to see if they can find items that they can alter.

We are very lucky to have Marta with us this term. Marta, who is from Chile, has formed a Chilean culture group. Twice a week, every week, students learn many aspects of her culture, such as geography, language and cooking.

We have posed some students the challenge of proposing the route of the parade. Here, students are looking at Google Maps on the interactive whiteboard investigating the streets around our neighbourhood.

Nina arrived from Japan in week 1 and has already found herself as an integral member of 34 Neighbourhoods. She practiced some English phrases so that she could teach students around the neighbourhood how to make amazing origami creations.

Nina has also researched a Japanese song, which she is now teaching both neighbourhoods to sing for our assembly next Tuesday. 

Friday, 15 February 2013

Message from our librarian

Our librarian Mark needs some help with the covering of our new library books. Here is the full message from him below.

Book Covering - Parent Helpers Needed

A trial is being undertaken to help boost our book covering. Boxes of new books requiring covering are available for Parents/Carers to take home and cover. Boxes can be collected from the Meeting Room opposite Julie’s office. A roll of covering material is provided. You’ll need your own scissors.
Please sign out in the register provided, and sign in again when you return the covered books.
Covering tips? See Mark or a Library Parent Helper.

Any suggestions or queries, please contact Mark (available Tues. & Wed.)

Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Children will be issued with their Mathletics passwords this week. This provides them with access to the Mathletics site which the school subscribes to. Mathletics offers numeracy activities based around the Australian curriculum at a range of different levels. Some parents find Mathletics to be a fun and interactive home learning tool. Children who have been here at PHPS for more than a year should be familiar with the program, but please approach us with any queries. Children would be best suited to looking at activities that focus on place value to consolidate the concepts we are currently working with.

Adobe Flash Player update

Our ICT technician has found a solution to the issue with the Adobe Flash player update. Students who are experiencing this issue with their 1 to 1 MacBook will be support to resolve it this week.

Monday, 11 February 2013

1 to 1 MacBooks and Adobe Flash player

We are aware that the recent update of Adobe Flash player has been an issue for some of the new MacBooks. Adobe Flash player helps the computers to run video content on websites such as Youtube and it is a standard free installation on all of our MacBook laptops. Our tech will look into the issue tomorrow morning and we will hopefully have a solution very soon. 

1-to-1 MacBook Start Guide / Home Admin

Home Administration
Some parents have been requesting the home administration information (see below) for the MacBook Air. Home administration is required for the installation of any new software and plug-ins. It is up to the parents and guardians to make a decision of whether to inform their children of the home administration information. Passwords can be changed but students must not change their passwords without the consent of parents / guardians, and they must let them know of the password. This expectation will be discussed with the relevant students this week. 

Username: homeadmin
Password: homepassword

MacBook Air Start Guide
The MacBook Air start guide is designed to help parents and students become familiar with their new 1 to 1 MacBook Air laptops. It also provides a list of expectations which students will need to follow when using the MacBooks in the neighbourhood. Other questions may come up about the program and these can be directed to the teachers in the 3/4 neighbourhood.

MacBook Start guide 2013

Friday, 8 February 2013

Learning Agreement Documents

Children will 'hopefully' have remembered to bring their learning agreement document home with them over the weekend. Parents are not expected to follow up on any aspect other than to use it as a spring-board for discussion about the learning during the week if desired.  We ask the children to have it signed by their parent and returned to a teacher on the Monday.  This is the system for the year and we understand that this level of organisation can be challenging for many children. It is an organisational skill that we support them to develop over time and do not expect miracles of organisation in the first weeks. We hope that when our children leave us at the end of Year 4 that these skills will be well established.

Gardens and sustainability at PHPS

There is a small team of parents and teachers currently working towards; creating a garden committee, supporting the school to get the gardens up and running and developing the newly formed student sustainability action team (the green team). We would love you to join us in a major or minor way. To be informed about veggie garden working bees, garden meetings, Yarra Sustainability Education Network meetings or if you would like to support the Green Team please email us or come and say hello. From Alexandra and Mark.

Alexandra  (3/4 neighbourhood 2 - on Mondays and Wednesdays) and Mark (Library Tuesdays and Wednesdays). 

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Swimming Carnival

Many students have signed up to various events today for the swimming carnival which will take place on the 21st February at Fitzroy Pool. (all spectators now have to pay an entry fee, $5.00 for adults). All Year-4 students are required to attend, whether competing or not, to show support for their peers in their house groups. The event is an excellent opportunity for the students to show school spirit and teamwork. Hats and suncream are necessities as there are very few shaded areas at the pool. Please ensure your child is provided with snacks and plenty of water for hydration. The students will be returning to school at 12.30pm for the rest of the school day.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Writer's Notebook

This week, we are beginning our first Writer's Notebook sessions and so I thought I'd explain what Writer's Notebooks are.

Writer's Notebook is a notebook for writing ideas, formatted so that children are able to get inspired and engaged with their writing. It helps students plan their writing constructively and avoid situations where students are sitting for long periods of time wondering what they should be writing about. The Writer's Notebook is also an excellent way for students to explore different genres, and we encourage students to write a varied selection of genres through the course of the year. Finally, because children must bring in their own stimulus from home, it allows their writing to be relevant (rather than always being told by the teacher what they should be writing about!)

Writer's Notebook contains three sections. The first part is the Seed of Thought, where students paste in a paper-based inspiration from home, such as a newspaper cutting, a ticket from a show or sporting event, a pamphlet from a museum exhibition, a photograph, a postcard, a picture found inside a magazine etc. This allows students to connect their writing with their 'out-of-school' experiences and come up with inspirations that are relevant to them. Students are expected to bring in something to use as a Seed of Thought at the beginning of the week, we ask parents to discuss during the weekend which Seed of Thought to choose from home. We also encourage students to keep several pieces of Seed of Thought in an envelope at the back of their notebook, so that they are always ready to make an entry.

Students write briefly on their response to the Seed of Thought in the Response section. The responses might include some description of the item, as well as what memory it may trigger, what kind of connection they can make to other experiences they may have had as well as more imaginative responses.

Finally, students write three detailed possibilities for a developed piece of writing they might want to continue with using this stimulus. The possibilities might include a poem, a story or an informational piece etc.

By the time they have made three entries in their Writer's Notebook, students are expected to begin their first copy of a developed piece of writing taken from one of their possibilities. This will then be redrafted, before being published.

Students may use a notebook provided by the school, or bring in their own notebook from home. All notebooks are kept in the writing shelf in the neighbourhood. If notebooks are taken home for home learning, we ask students to bring it back in on Monday so that teachers are able to keep track of students' writing.

Here are a couple of examples I wrote and showed to the students earlier this week which may give you a better idea how it all works. You can click on the image to enlarge it.

Parent Info Night

Parent information night will be held on Tuesday 26th February for the 3-4 neighbourhood. We will begin at 4pm in the gymnasium and the session will run until 5pm. There will be an opportunity for parents to visit the neighbourhoods where the teachers will be available to answer questions on a more individual basis. 

If you do bring children along to the evening we ask that you take responsibility for the supervision of your children during this time. We also request that any specific questions that you would like us to address are forwarded to us on the blog prior to the information session so that we can focus on the priority areas that you would most like to know about. We look forward to seeing you all at the welcome picnic next Tuesday night also. 

It has been a very smooth transition for our delightful grade 3 students and we are all greatly enjoying getting to know them and all our wonderful parents. Our grade 4 students have stepped up and are enjoying their leadership roles in introducing their new friends to the neighbourhood. It's going to be a fabulous year and we value always the contributions, support and feedback of our parent community.

Book Talk

We are looking forward to Book Talk sessions on Thursdays at 2.30- 3.15 in both neighbourhoods.
If you are able to be part of these sessions with a small group of students with a parent volunteer sharing books with ideas, guidance and support from the teachers please contact Sheryal as soon as you are able.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

1-to-1 MacBook Program

Dear Parents,

The first payment of the 2013 1 to 1 MacBook program is due on Friday 8th February. Students whose families have made this payment by the due date will receive their Macbook on this day. The first payment will be $159.00 due the protective case being included in the cost. Subsequent lease payments will be $104.00.  We do request that parents meet their children at the 3/4 neighbourhood to help them home with their MacBook on Friday. Students will not be permitted to take their MacBook to aftercare or home on their own. You will be receiving an invoice in the mail this week to advise you of the amount due. Should you have any questions please contact Keith McNeill in 3/4 neighbourhood 2.

Kind Regards,

The 3/4 Teaching Team

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Welcome (and welcome back) to the Neighbourhood!

We had a fantastic first week in the 34 Neighbourhoods. where we got to know each other a little better. It has also been lovely meeting all the new parents and relatives during the first week. Teachers are always outside the neighbourhood after school from 3:30 - 3:45 and are available for impromptu chats or to answer any queries. If you have any specific concerns regarding learning or the wellbeing of your children, please make an appointments with a teacher so that we can sit down and discuss it with you. 

This blog will not only inform you all about our learning in the 3/4Neighbourhoods, but will tell you of up-and-coming events, our amazing achievements, our intentions and much more. Click on the LA Documents tab at the top and you will be able to access a copy of the Learning Agreement Documents. The Calendar tab will hopefully tell you some of the important events happening in the the Neighbourhood and the school. The Student Learning section (not yet completed) will explain what our aims are in the main curriculum areas of numeracy and literacy.

We hope that you will keep coming back to this blog. If you have any feedback, please feel free to comment below, or see one of the teachers.