Monday, 11 February 2013

1-to-1 MacBook Start Guide / Home Admin

Home Administration
Some parents have been requesting the home administration information (see below) for the MacBook Air. Home administration is required for the installation of any new software and plug-ins. It is up to the parents and guardians to make a decision of whether to inform their children of the home administration information. Passwords can be changed but students must not change their passwords without the consent of parents / guardians, and they must let them know of the password. This expectation will be discussed with the relevant students this week. 

Username: homeadmin
Password: homepassword

MacBook Air Start Guide
The MacBook Air start guide is designed to help parents and students become familiar with their new 1 to 1 MacBook Air laptops. It also provides a list of expectations which students will need to follow when using the MacBooks in the neighbourhood. Other questions may come up about the program and these can be directed to the teachers in the 3/4 neighbourhood.

MacBook Start guide 2013

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