Thursday, 28 February 2013

Australian Boys Choir

The Australian Boys Choir is visiting our school on Monday morning 5th March. They will be screening Year 2 and Year 3 boys for their music potential. A couple of people from the Australian Boys Choir will come and work with the boys for 10 to 15 minutes. The session comprises fun sequences songs that involve all children singing together, and then simple exercises to briefly assess pitch and rhythm.

Letters of audition details are given to those boys who demonstrate some musical skill. [Parents will then need to follow up if they and their son are interested.]. Thank you letters are given to all the other boys to thank them for participating.
If you do not wish your son to be involved, can you please let Gayle Lofhelm know by Monday 9.00am.

If you have any queries please contact Gayle at school.

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