Monday, 4 May 2015

Term 2 Week 4

This week in Literacy 
Students will be self assessing their fluency in reading by recording themselves using Garage Band and reviewing this. Teachers will also be assessing students fluency using these recordings. We will be learning how to skim read a text to identity key words and information. In writing, students will continue to write persuasive texts using the features they have learnt over the last few weeks such as emotive language, rhetorical questions and generalisations.

This week in Numeracy 
We are designing floor plans of our own museums which we will later use to make a scale model of the museum.  The focus will be on calculating the area, multiplying and how to draw a 'birds eye view.'  In their designs students will use a key to show the different exhibits, find the area and perimeter of the different areas and use labels to show doors and windows. In target sessions students will use place value partitioning to solve addition and subtraction problems as well as other focuses appropriate to student need.

Inquiry Focus
Through our inquiry we have been exploring museums as a way for communities to store and share important knowledge. We have formed a close connection with Melbourne Museum through their education officer Cameron. He has visited the neighbourhood on several occasions to help the children develop their understanding of museums and we have connected with him via video conference on several occasions to engage in virtual tours of the museum.

Currently we are exploring the idea of creating our own Princes Hill Primary School museum. We are exploring what is unique and special about our school community to create possible exhibits for our museum. Students are planning to persuade the neighbourhood that our PHPS Museum should contain their exhibit and the students will share their ideas with the neighbourhoods.

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