Inquiry Focus
Students have completed presenting the exhibit plans that they have for our Princes Hill Primary School Museum. This week we are continuing to explore who would potentially come to our museum, what kind of experience would they expect and what information would be important to us to share with them through our exhibits. Larger exhibit groups have been identified across the neighbourhoods and we are beginning to plan how our exhibits will work in the neighbourhood spaces. Parents have also been sharing their expertise with us over the last few weeks and helping us with various aspects of our inquiry.
Mathematics Focus
We will be continuing to explore concepts of multiplication, place value, addition and area through our museum map designs which will be completed this week. We will also further explore accurate measuring, estimation, and aspects of scale. Target sessions will also run focusing on specific points of need.
Literacy Focus
Students are completing their book reviews this week and they are continuing to track their reading through making reading log entries in their literacy books. Fluency when reading is an area of focus in reading also. We are exploring aspects of poetry over the next few weeks. Limericks have been an initial focus and students have been creating their own limericks which are up on the walls in the neighbourhoods. These poetry experiences are valuable for students developing awareness of rhyme, syllables and poetic structure.
Wellbeing Focus
We are asking students to consider how they can contribute to the wellbeing of the neighbourhood and students have responded in a variety of ways. Many are eager to contribute to the cleaning and organising the neighbourhood and one group have created a friendship letter box in which students can write letters to each other which are read out or delivered once a week as a way of expressing gratitude to each other.
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