Thursday, 27 August 2015

3/4 Learning Update

Development of the student exhibits has been continuing and the exhibits are starting to look amazing. We have been working on developing the students understanding of information reports as a way to communicate factual information. Through our literacy workshops, draft reports have been created and the published versions are starting to go up onto the exhibits in the neighbourhood. The process of improvement and development of the exhibits is helping students to learn more about the topic that they have chosen as well as helping them explain why they think their topic is important. Students are exploring diagrams, photographs, interviews, films and website design as ways of communicating about their topic.
Bugs Exhibit

Bazaar Exhibit
Art Exhibit
 While only a snapshot of the work that is going into the exhibits. These photos represent some of the research that students have been undertaking and  the emphasis that we are placing on producing an exhibit that is informative, engaging and of very high quality.

The literacy learning focus on information reports is evident here also. Students have been exploring labelled diagrams, paragraph use, titles and subtitles, photographs, formal language and tense use in order to create information texts for the exhibits. The importance of proof reading and spelling words correctly prior to publication has also been a focus.
Bugs Exhibit

Italian Exhibit
Minerals Exhibit

Mythical Creatures Exhibit

Plants Exhibit

Science Exhibit

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