Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Fathers Day Stall

When: Friday 4th September
Where: Gym

On Friday 4th September the Father's day Stall will be held at the gym. Any donations can be dropped at the gym from 8.00am.

Baked good are always a winner and there will be cake packs available at the office from Friday. Please don't forget to give your child some money and a bag to take home their goodies in. The stall coordinators need volunteers on the day to set up, run the stall and clear up so if you can spare some time, please contact Michelle or Sule on 0400 666 890 & 0404 441 523.

Also, there is lots of information on the 3/4 blog about what is going on in the classroom. If you have not been receiving the Blog notifications, try re-subscribing.

Ciara & Carla

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