Friday 7 February 2014

1 to 1 Macbook's coming home today!

Hi everyone,

As you know we have had some technical difficulties getting the laptops prepared to come home. But we have managed to resolve a lot of the issues and, provided the first invoice has been paid and the students are being collected by a parent or guardian, the Macbook's will be coming home today.

The process of changing the passwords and having each student select their own password was causing a great many issues so for the time being all the laptops remain with the default password of: password

Each students user name is their student number (which is also printed on the sticker on the underside of the computers)

So your child's username is their student number, and the password is password (all lower case).

Inside the box you'll find a MacBook Air Start Guide, please go through this carefully with your child.  Perhaps also have a conversation about what they have recently learnt about the expectations and responsibilities of laptop use in our neighbourhood - they all have a pretty good grasp of what they need to do!

Thank you for your patience!

The 3/4 Team

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